How To Overcome Fear – A 10 Point Summary

How To Overcome Fear – Here Is A 10 Point Summary…

 1.   Most fears are learned –   While the fear response is innate, autonomic and a product of evolution, the objects that trigger and stimulate fear responses are mostly learned.  Generalization, if unchecked, can result in irrational fears – phobias, anxiety, etc..    

2.  Plasticity – The brain is flexible and “plastic” –   New  learning is possible throughout one’s life. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is not scientifically correct.   Whatever irrational, misplaced, debilitating fears you are currently experiencing… you can learn to change… you do not have to be chained to your fears forever.  You CAN learn how to overcome fear. 

3.   Inertia – The first goal in learning is to overcome inertia – to start – the hardest task – requiring the most energy to overcome.  ACTION is required.- sometimes massive, decisive action to overcome inertia… sometimes a very small step that ensures the best chance of initial success.   

4.   Momentum – What starts in motion will stay in motion until a counteracting force (friction – criticism, rejection, humiliation, etc.) forces you to slow down or stop – the task is to minimize the friction and learn how to handle it.  

5.   Predictability – The brain is like a computer – generating predictable responses –  until new learning supersedes the old.     

6.   Conditioning – Repetitive conditioning can create and strengthen new pathways in the brain – new learning.           

7.   Multiple intelligences – Intelligence is not a single characteristic that can be measured with an IQ test.  Our brain has many different intelligences.  Specific unique intelligences affect different fears.  If you target and develop the specific intelligences related to overcoming that fear, you better your chance to learn HOW to overcome that fear.        

8.   Uniqueness – The more debilitating the fears, the more important to identify a uniqueness in ourselves that heightens our self esteem and confidence (this positive learning, as noted in #2, also will generalize – for the good.          

9.   Learning is a process – Learning development is a step-by-step process. Seldom can we jump from start to ultimate goal (get rich quick!).  People abandon development activities because expectations of speed-to-goal are too high.        

We need to build confidence and trust in the  step-by-step process to reach the goal. Then we’ll be more likely to persevere.   Overcoming fear is about taking progressive steps and succeeding  step by step – reinforcing positive behaviors, reinforcing self-image and self-confidence that you can handle the situation.      

10.   Incompatible behaviors – We must create positive outcomes from preferred behaviors that are incompatible with the fear behavior you wish to change.        

Watch for additional articles we will post that will expand and clarify The 7 Brain Laws For Overcoming Irrational Fears. 

Ken Smith’s personal story of challenge and overcoming debilitating fear can be seen in the video “The Anthem For Freedom.”


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